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When we find ourselves on a path of ordeal, we cannot escape it anymore than we can escape the night.  However, much guidance, strength & support can be gained from hidden resources, lying deep within the seed of our bones.

Bone Seed Wisdom Shamanic Services

We live in a culture where we are fortunate enough to have many benefits and privileges. Our basic needs for survival, in terms of food, water and shelter are mostly met and the material benefits of the world around us are plentiful. However, the demands and stresses of modern life can easily overwhelm us. We can still find ourselves alone, alienated and feeling isolated from those around us or what we feel is our true being.

There are many internal experiences that we find disorientating, traumatic and struggle to even comprehend where or how to even begin our journey into those experiences. The journey of the soul through life can be very delicate indeed, and we often feel fragile and vulnerable. Pulled apart from both external and internal conflicting priorities, we struggle for meaning and balance.

We try to escape from these inner struggles with distraction or medication of the mind and/or body, while all the time feeling the pressure to wear a mask of normality to the outer world. Over time, these coping mechanisms can wear thin, while the pressures and struggles remain.

At Bone Seed Wisdom, a wide range of tools are offered to help understand and resolve these difficulties through a guided & supportive approach. These are based on traditional methods that have been used, very successfully, over the centuries by many traditional cultures around the world, often to treat the exact same kinds of difficulties that we find ourselves struggling with, in our society today.

Whether these difficulties are specific such as dealing with grief of the loss of a loved one, depression, coping with traumatic events, an overwhelming internal emotional or spiritual crisis, or just a general, non-specific feelings of struggling with certain aspects of life, rest assured there is no need to suffer in silence or to deal with these alone. There are many resources, both internal and external, that can help with the journey of ordeal.

If you feel that this is of interest to you, Guy offers both one-on-one and group ceremonial shamanic and purification services. Please feel free to contact Guy on the details below to discuss what options would most suite your circumstances.

About Guy

Guy is a traditionally trained and initiated sangoma.  Shamanic Services in Melbourne, AustraliaA sangoma is a traditional healer of Southern Africa, effectively a shaman of the Zulu and related Nguni cultures.

Born and raised in South Africa, he is one of only a handful of westerners that have undergone the long and intense ordeal of thwasa (the formal traditional training and initiation process) in order to become initiated into the traditions of the Southern African traditional healers.   

Talk at Sangoma InitiationNow working from the Dandenong Ranges in Melbourne, Guy offers a very unique, but powerful and profound modality to help deal with the stresses and ordeals that modern life exerts upon our soul's journey through life.  This modality can be suited for personal, couples or group work.

Guy is also a Ceremonial Leader and initiated shaman in the Spirit of the Earth Medicine Society [SOTEMS], a non-profit Australian organisation which is dedicated to developing new forms of Australian Spirituality and healing based on traditional healing (shamanic) methods for contemporary Australians.

Contact Details

Guy can be contacted on the following  :


Last modified: 21-Apr-2018